Healthy food choices keep your staff energised

Poor nutritional choices often result in significant health problems, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Facilitating better nutrition in the workplace helps maintain your employees’ concentration, productivity and energy levels throughout the day.

Our workplace programs support your staff to make sustainable dietary changes to reduce health risks, increase vitality and promote healthier lifestyles.

Our expert-designed programs and interactive events include:

  • Healthy Eating Stands that offer interactive taste-testing and the opportunity to speak with our Nutritionists one-on-one. Great for expos, health days and morning teas.
  • Comprehensive Seminar series featuring knowledgeable, engaging and highly-qualified presenters. An integral part of your health and wellbeing program.
  • Recipe cards, Booklets and Informational flyers for easy-to-implement tips to fast track delicious dietary changes at work and home.
  • Healthy Cooking Demonstrations for a fun way to promote nutritional awareness – you designate the onsite location, and we'll supply everything else.
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